Change in consumer behaviour due to covid19

Will changes in behavior last after COVID-19 subsides, or will consumers’ old habits die hard? Behavioral
studies and past events can offer answers.
All consumer behaviour has strong location and time dependencies. Behaviour can differ significantly from one
location to another depending on cultures, geographies, etc. The pandemic is making this dimension of
consumer behaviour more complex; for example, since physical movement is restricted, consumers are
migrating into virtual worlds at an unprecedented rate and are exposed to newer influences. This could require
us to go beyond traditional methods of modeling their behavior.
Behaviour and habit changes are also directly linked to the extent of exposure to new environments. Research
shows that it can take between 18 and 254 days to form a new habit; on average it takes about 66 days. 2
People more quickly adopt habits that do not significantly change existing routines. Today, consumers are
settling into new patterns of behaviour for considerable lengths of time in response to the multiple waves of this
pandemic. This is fertile ground for new habit formation.
The article should analyse the existing research on consumer behaviour and predict a long term outcome.
The writer can draw from researches in sociology, psychology and marketing.

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