You will analyze the character motivations and themes in the play Wit. You can read the play or watch the film
adaptation. While exploring this story, pay careful attention to each character’s motivation in the face of crisis
and the assumptions and bias towards each individual as a medicalized body.
Part 1: Story Structural Analysis
Wit is a non-linear narrative. To properly analyze how the characters face the challenges, you will need to
graph the events of the play in chronological order. Diagram or outline the following events in the play:
Backstory/Exposition (the normal before the crisis of illness)
Inciting Incident (the moment that started the choice for hospitalization)
Rising Action (key decision making moments)
Climax (the biggest turning point)
Resolution/Falling Action (the new normal)
Part 2: Character Analysis
Now that you have the structure of the play, you can proceed to analyze how each character functions or
changes over time. You must provide an analysis of Vivian, Susan and Jason. Provide a description of each
character (age, background, sex, gender, profession, etc.) and address how their body identity is seen in
medicine. Reference the materials in the section in how these bodies are perceived, treated, and
acknowledged in medicine.
Part 3: Theme Analysis
How does this play illustrate medicine as a science or art. What is most important in this play; knowledge or
kindness? How is the relationship between patient and medical professional socially constructed? Discuss and
analyze the tension between Vivian, a professional in her own realm, and Vivian the patient in context of
medicine. How might this tension have been perceived differently in different centuries or if Vivian was a
different body. Reference the materials in this section when exploring these ideas.
Your essay should be 2 – 3 pages in length, using APA formatting (please note that page requirement length
does not include title or reference pages).
Assignment Requirements:
Diagram or outline structure of play in chronological order; identify and articulate key dramatic moments in the
Discuss character motivation and body identity; articulate evidence of bias and assumptions of sex, race,
gender of the body in medicine in this play.
Analyze themes in the play; demonstrate how themes are developed and presented in dramatic forms.