PART 1: COMMUNICATION: On the basis of your lesson observations, answer the following
questions (Two to three sentences per question – total approximately 500 words).
1. Describe the type of language the teacher uses, e.g. simple or complex vocabulary, use of
jargon, etc. Please include an example.
2. Describe the volume and tone of voice the teacher uses.
3. How does the teacher present the information at a pace appropriate to the students?
4. What examples does the teacher use to illustrate points?
5. Does the teacher repeat points difficult to understand? If so, which points are repeated? How
do they monitor students understanding?
6. Describe use of ICT in the classroom including use in student profiling and reporting.
7. Give at least 3 examples of non-verbal communication used by your Supervising Teacher.
PART 2: CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD TEACHING: Government research has shown
that the following attributes characterise good teaching.
An ability to maintain order and establish a safe, supportive and inspirational learning
An awareness of students’ individual needs, that is, knowing each student and how they learn.
Provision of timely, effective and appropriate feedback.
Active and positive interaction and relationship between the teacher and students.
Thorough knowledge of content and effective selection and organisation into well planned,
inspiring and engaging lessons.
Uses a variety of teaching methods, activities and resources, including ICT, that engage
students in their learning and encourage students to extend their thinking.
Observe how your Supervising Teacher demonstrates goo


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