Characteristics of one’s self


This is a self-portrait which only has one image of yourself. You must illustrate who you are through the use of diverse media.
So who are you? How do you define yourself? look at how you define yourself (what is your self-concept/self-image), how others who know you define yourself (social construction of self), and how you might be perceived by someone who doesn’t know you (perceptions or your image). From these three categories, begin to connect with imagery from popular culture or history, and describe yourself only using images.

First, look at fictional or historical characters (human, cartoon, game, meme, anything) and choose characteristics about yourself that they represent. Choose 9 characters with pictures that they have a good characteristic (loyal, smart, good communicator, inspire others, empathy, flexibility, humor, confidence)
Then, ask up to three friends to tell you what fictional characters you remind them of and why. You may ask one person to give three characters, or three people to give one character each. (from my friends are: courage – aunt, optimism – father, honest – mother – there are the characteristics that they gave for me)

Finally, write up a two pages explanation of the self-portrait. Briefly explain each character. Be sure to categorize the characters as one of the three options listed (self-concept, social construction or perception) in your discussion. Also, give a short description of who the person(s) was/were who provided you with external feedback for your self-portrait, with a short description of why they provided you with that label.
Lastly, discuss if you are happy with this self-portrait, or if you would like to grow out of it/change it, and why. – conclusion will be that for this time in my life I’m grateful but in the future I want to become better and better.

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