Child and Family Nursing care

Miranda is the mother, 35 years of age, of European ethnicity and a school teacher presently on maternity leave at 34 weeks gestation with her sixth healthy child. Her husband John, is 40 years of age, of Dutch ethnicity and has a high profile CEO position which means he is away from home a lot. Both Miranda and John have only been in Australia for three years and are slowly building a supportive network of friends through the church, community services, kindergarten, mother groups and the school their children attend yet neither Miranda or John have family living in Australia.
Ollie is a 9 year-old boy whom was born with mild Cerebral Palsy (normal cognition) and has a specialized teaching and learning program for special needs children at Chloe’s school. He has an intensive schedule of physio, language, speech, occupational and dietary therapy and is making remarkable progress. The whole family are extremely supportive and proud of Ollie yet he just wants to be one of the gang. Every night before he goes to sleep he wishes that when he wakes up he could just be ‘normal’ like the others.
This 2500 word assessment requires you to critically analyse the best evidence based appropriate paediatric care plan for a child (OLLIE). The care plan will be informed by a thorough systematic thorough top to toe holistic age appropriate nursing assessment, where planning, implementation and evaluation of care (APIE) is informed by guidelines, philosophy of care, diagnostics and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, Registered Nurse and Australian College of Children and Young People’s Nurses standards and scope of practice.
The assessment requires consideration on the implications of health and ill-health on the child, parent and family and how positive healthcare outcomes are promoted through contextually appropriate therapeutic conversations/relationships with the child, parent, family and multi-disciplinary healthcare team within community and hospital settings honoring a child and family focused approach.
2500 word assessment
Individualized focused care plan for OLLIE
Systematic top to toe assessment (AVPU and GCS, Hearing, Vision) (Appendix)
Critically analyse
Best evidence based care
Assessment, Plan, Intervention, Evaluation, Guidelines, diagnostics, pathways, NMBA, APHRA, ACCYPN
Age appropriate care
Child and Family Centered Care
Academic writing
APA referencing style, at least 20 references and not more than 5years old AUSTRALIA BOOKS AND JOURNALS

  1. Critically analyse the best evidence based appropriate paediatric care plan for Ollie within the Haagan Daas Family.
  2. The care plan will be informed by a thorough systematic thorough top to toe holistic age appropriate nursing assessment attached as an Appendix.
  3. Planning, implementation and evaluation of care (APIE) must be informed by guidelines, philosophy of care, diagnostics and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, Registered Nurse and Australian College of Children and Young People’s Nurses standards and scope of practice.
  4. The assessment requires consideration on: the implications of health and ill-health on the child, parent and family and how positive healthcare outcomes are promoted through contextually appropriate therapeutic conversations/relationships with the child, parent, family and multi-disciplinary healthcare team within community and hospital settings honoring a child and family focused approach.

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