Child Profile


Family background (give details) (1-2 Pages)
• A descriiption of the child at school (including their friends, interactions with peers and
teacher, samples of schoolwork, etc.).
• Areas of Development (A descriiption of the child’s physical, cognitive, emotional,
artistic, and self-help skills, as observed.):
– Physical (1-2 Pages)
– Emotional (1-2 Pages)
– Social (1-2 Pages)
– Intellectual (1-2 Pages)
• Feedback from the child’s parent/caregivers about their perceptions regarding the child’s
physical, cognitive, and emotional and social development (You may quote the
parent/caregiver). (1-2 Pages)
Critical analysis of the child (in this section you will use a theory in child development to
explain or refute why the child behaves, grows or develops the way they do. You must use


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