Child welfare issues as they relate to agency response


What follows is a discussion of the specific requirements for Paper #2. Download and watch the video from the video folder in DocSharing entitled “Child Removal”. The video is about things to keep in mind in removing children from the home. It includes issues the child will experience and the sensitivity professionals should keep in mind to a child’s feelings Transcript

Assignment Objectives
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of child welfare issues as they relate to agency response. You are encouraged to utilize and incorporate information you have learned from the text and from your instructor via course discussions. Apply the concepts and information you have learned to analyze the video case in the following way.

Assignment Components
You will be writing a comprehension paper on the topics provided below from information in this video as they relate to Child Protective Services and removing children from the home. Refer to the chart called “Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs” for an understanding of what a comprehensive paper involves. This is different from an analysis. If you understand the definition as it is provided in the chart – then the purpose of a comprehensive paper is to demonstrate an understanding of the facts.

View the video at least once. It may be helpful to view it once just to watch it and get your impression and then view it a second time with the assignment (and or grading rubric) in hand to write down thoughts and connect material from the text (and readings where applicable) before writing your paper.
Introduce the topic of the paper by including in your introduction what the video you watched was about (professional response in CPS) and what you intend to accomplish with this paper (demonstrate your understanding of removal issues and consideration for the child as they relate to agency intervention and children). Be sure you have a good thesis statement to guide your paper.
Demonstrate your understanding of child removal what you saw about child removal through this paper by utilizing these two topics (use the provided headers for your sections):
Removal Issues – Talk about what kinds of things professionals would prefer to do rather than remove; discuss what they do in the process (such as de-escalation)
Considerations for the Child – Talk about what considerations a professional needs to have for the child and why; also discuss what can happen to the child as a result of removal
Conclusion – In your conclusion draw from what you have learned in class to talk about your observations of this process or removal. Summarize the understanding you have gained about what children experience when they have been abused or neglected (as it relates to the removal process). HOWEVER, PLEASE DON’T USE FIRS PERSON…. SINGULAR OR PLURAL.
Other things to be aware of for this paper

You are not to discuss the assignment with each other after the video has opened. This would be considered not doing your own work and may be cause for action as cheating. This assignment is to be viewed like an exam. It is a test of yourthinking and learning and no one else’s.
I am absolutely available to help you with any questions you may have to clarify what I am looking for or to help you with writing your paper – short of “giving you the answer.”
The paper is due in the dropbox for this week by 11:59 p.m.Sunday May 27th
The final page of this document is the grading rubric. You can copy it here and paste it as a last page of your paperIf it is missing from your paper you will receive a grade of a zero, as I have no place to put your grade or your feedback.
Grading Rubric – Child Removal

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