“Children of the Sea,” by Edwidge Danticat

In the short story “Children of the Sea,” Edwidge Danticat narrates the treacherous journey by sea that many Haitians endure to escape the horrors of their homeland. The people who make these horrific journeys are often reduced to a headline in the media stating their capture and eventual return to the shores of Haiti. In -Children of the Sea,” however, Danticat humanizes the people at peril and puts the journey in context in very subtle but poignant ways. How does she do this?
Examine the characters against the historical backdrop to which Danticat references, and write a three page paper on the author’s technique: the historical, character development, style. Your fourth page will be your works cited page. Please keep in mind that you must have a thesis statement. a theme, which is your controlling idea for the entire paper.

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