“China and its Great Wall”

“China and its Great Wall” respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response: • Describe two (2) specific aspects about the Great Wall of China, such as facts about its size, length, purposes, varied materials, labor force, and its phases of construction. Next, share your thoughts as to why a wall like this might have been created. Do you think this wall’s impact is for good or bad? Why? Explore China and Its Great Wall • Chapter 7 (pp. 216-218, 225), early phases, (pp. 617-618) later phase • Explore wall interactively at http://www.airpano.ru/files/China-Great-Wall/2-2 • Video at http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/other-shows/videos/discovery-atlas-china-revealed-the-great-wall.htm • UNESCO article at http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/438 • “China’s Wall Less Great in View from Space’ article at http://www.nasa.gov/vision/space/workinginspace/great_wall.html • Week 4 Discussion Template: Please copy, fill in with your own research and words: Template for Week Discussion Please fill in each section with your summary of your research using your own words. • Please copy and paste template: Fill in template, copy and paste to Blackboard (please no attachments are allowed in discussion area, those using tablets or phones cannot open attachments, therefore unable to read or comment on your post.) Minimum of 125 Words

• Hello Class and Dr. C, here is my main post for the Week 4 Discussion, I hope you enjoy it • Two interesting facts about the Great Wall •

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