Christian devotion

a. As a social worker, where do you think you tend to put more of your faith? In the ideas and opinions of the field of social work or in the word and power of God? Explain. What’s the difference? Do you think it matters?
b. How might you practice using one or more of the components of the armor of God that Paul describes in Ephesians 6 in your work as a social worker or daily life in the field? Explain.
c. Describe a personal experience you yourself have had or someone you know has had in which God did something supernatural to bring about a change.
d. What do you think the role of the supernatural is in helping others? Explain your position.
e. Based on your results from your Worldview checkup, what surprises you? Describe also, based on your top percentage score (Christian, Postmodern, New Spiritual, Islamic, Secular or Marxist), how you think your primary worldview affects your approach to moral and ethical decision making. See attachment for my results

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