Circulatory & Immune Systems

What type of tissue is blood?
After whole blood is put into the centrifuge it is separated in how many layers? What are these layers?
What are some of the parts of whole blood that can be used when donated?
Describe the structure of hemoglobin and explain why it is called a respiratory pigment.
What is an antigen? What types are there on blood? What is an antibody? How does it interact with an antigen?
What is hematopoiesis and where does it happen?
Describe the structure of an erythrocyte and how it differs from most other cell types. Explain why this structure is important.
What does the hormone erythropoietin do? Where is this hormone produced?
Why are the lymphatic and immune systems linked together?
What is the lymphatic system?
Many of you have probably experienced sore tonsils. Explain why your tonsils get sore and how this is a good thing.
The immune system can be divided into two broad categories. What are these categories and how do they differ?
Outline the types of nonspecific defenses the body has to ensure protection against pathogens and compare them to the specific defenses.
What does immunologic memory mean? Why is this very important for keeping us safe throughout our lives?
We can describe the circulation of blood as a figure 8 cycle. Explain what this means. Start in the right ventricle. List all the chamber, valves and locations the blood visits during its journey.
Define cardiac output and explain how it can change in response to external factors.
What are some of the homeostatic imbalances of the heart?
Outline the difference in structure between the different blood vessels in the body and explain their function.
Outline how the capillaries function as the site of gas and fluid exchange.
What are some factors that can contribute to changes in blood pressure?
Why and how does blood flow change in the body?

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