Citizen illegal-Jose Oliveraz


1.Focus on one of the poems that you read for homework (be sure to say which one you will be writing about) and choose three words or phrases from the poem that interest you. Tell us why you chose that word or phrase? What makes it stand out for you or makes it special?
2. Without using a dictionary, define those words or phrases by guessing what you think they mean.
3. Now, do an image search on google for the words. Is there an image that shows you what the word or phrase means? Copy and past the image into your submission.
4. Now, use Merriam Webster’s Dictionary online. What do the words/phrases mean according to the dictionary?
5. Reflect on this experience. How did thinking about, writing about, and researching the word or phrase make you feel about the word or phrase? Did you perspective change? How so? Now what stands out for you or impresses you about the word or phrase?

You Get Fat When You’re in Love
you got a little extra love
on your ankles, love hanging
over your belt line. love makes it hard
to fit inside your pants sometimes.
love got you buying bigger sizes,
need deeper pockets for all this love.
your buttons can’t hold all the love
rippling up the middle of your ribcage—
love turns those shirts into accordions.
you make music with this love,
carry yourself like a song.
when you get skinny,
everyone rushes to compliment you.
they want to know what your secret is.
tell me, they say, what’s your secret?
you look great.
call it the Broke Heart Diet.
love left you.
then you left you.
now all you have
is this disappearing body.

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