Classic English Literature

  1. What is Biomedical Ethics: What ethical issues related to medical experimentation on human subjects arise in the Tuskegee Experimentation related specifically to race, education, and socio-economic status. What specific example raises most questions for you? Why?
  2. As a follow up to #1, how does the information you learned from the films, the content impact your thoughts and understanding on the racial disparity in the way COVID has impacted communities of color compared to that of white communities?
  3. Compare & contrast primary & secondary sources: How does seeing actual patients and photographs (primary sources) from the study impact the way you understand the details the documentary (secondary source) is trying to explain?
  4. Compare & contrast the benefits & drawbacks of the experiment: What were the benefits of the experiment for the participants? What were the drawbacks? Why did they stay with it? Were the benefits commensurate with their contributions?
  5. Compare & contrast genres: Explore the depiction of the experiment made by each film related to the Tuskegee Experiment. Which is most effective in terms of helping an audience understand the complexity of the experiment, and how is that effectiveness determined by the audience?
  6. Compare and contrast the works in terms of heavy reliance of a rhetorical approach, ethos, logos, or pathos. *Remember that these do not ever function separately, but that sometimes a work relies more heavily on one than the others.

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