Climate change in Wisconsin

Introductory Summary Your annotated bibliography must begin with a paragraph introducing the issue,
briefly synthesizing the conversation around the issue, and summarizing the tentative argument you will be
contributing to the conversation. Explain why you selected these sources. Share why you excluded certain

Citations For each source, you need to identify the publication information to properly document your
research and where you obtained your information. Your citation should be in MLA format.

Annotations Under each entry’s citation, you must also demonstrate your understanding of the source you
obtained and how you plan to incorporate it as evidence in your argument. Each annotation should include
the following:

A summary that follows the rhetorical précis model.

A brief evaluation for credibility

1-2 sentences explaining how the source fits into your argument — as support, counterargument, .
background, etc.

Your citations should use the hanging indent format — the second line is indented by a % inch (see the
sample on D2L)

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