Code Usage in Intercultural Communication: Hall’s High & Low Context



As an anthropologist, Edward T. Hall (1976) examined the factors that influence intercultural understanding and thus enhance or impede communication between individuals from different cultural backgrounds. His work led him to formulate a cultural dimension called context. Context explains the way people evaluate and interpret the meaning of information that they receive. Hall stipulates that context comprises a system of meaning for information. It provides a model that enables people to comprehend communication forms ranging from the purely nonverbal (such as hand gestures, body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice) to the purely verbal (such as written text or spoken words). ~Culture Matters By Norhayati Zakaria
Please view Erin Meyer’s “Low Context vs. High Context Societies” and TCO International’s “Cultural Diversity: High Context vs Low Context Communication” consider the following questions down below as you watch. (Both Videos links are down below).
Both Closed Captioning and the Transcript for this video are available via the Ted Talk link embedded below. Please open in full screen mode to access Closed Captioning.

1. Leadership Speaker Erin Meyer: Low Context vs. High Context Societies



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