Cognitive and Affective Components


Cognitive and Affective Components (Ch. 6). Find a vision statement to critique, from any organization. Be sure to use quotation marks and in-text citation to quote it (no need to cite the page number if you are using an online source for this purpose). Approach your critique from the perspective of the need to have both cognitive and affective components in the vision statement

Cite at least three sources in your answer: (a) the textbook; and (b) two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles that meet the restrictive criteria in the syllabus. Your commentary should reflect the care and seriousness of a formal essay. APA style note: Cite in proper APA style (Palmer, Dunford, & Buchanan, 2017). Attend to every detail in formatting in-text citations and the references at the end. Please be sure to “quote and cite correctly” (Palmer et al., 2017, p. 72). Note the positioning of the quotation marks and the inclusion of the page number to support the quote. Further tips: Never begin a commentary with a quoted passage, and never write a quoted passage in place of your own thoughts. When you make a point, explain your reasoning rather than merely advancing an assertion. If you happen to agree with a prior respondent to the same item, offer a unique rationale rather than repeating that prior explanation. Add a reference section, called References, as a section header in normal (non-bold) font, after your commentary to list your sources [see the example below]. In citing, be sure to include the doi-number (see syllabus), but exclude the database URL. The citation formatting provided automatically by ProQuest and EBSCOhost is wrong. As a matter of style and evidence of genuine thinking, please avoid the following conventions: Contractions; slashes; colloquialisms; the use of quotation marks merely for emphasis or to justify inserting jargon or imprecise phraseology; the insertion of quotes from online sources (they are often wrong anyway); the inane use of encyclopedias, dictionaries, or authorless sources; and the inessential use of news or blog sources. These tactics cause you to think less, which is contrary to the aim of these discussions.

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