Cohort business model


Project Size Up
As previously indicated, every participant in this course will be required to submit a size-up of an area that they will be studying for their final program projects. In this size-up, you are to apply the various tools and approaches introduced in this course to address the following questions:

To what extent is there a cohesive, cohort business model present in your unit?
To what extent do you have
A set of key customers that everyone recognizes and acknowledges
Measures that communicate effectively the value proposition and the expectations of the key customers to the rest of the organization?
Processes that are consistent with and supportive of the business model?
What are the major opportunities for improvement PRIORITIZED using the following four traits
Lead time
Assignment Guidelines
You will submit a report no longer than 10 pages for the main body (appendices unlimited). In this report, you will use the frameworks and tools to identify and assess gaps, mismatches, and inconsistencies. The report must contain a list of prioritized potential projects, why they are needed, and what would happen if those projects were to be ignored. Use the appendices for data and support.

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