Cold war 1945 -1989

  1. Briefly evaluate the ideological and political origins of the Cold War by examining the role of ideology and economics, fear and the role of politics through Kennan and Churchill. (300 WORDS ) 2. The following 3 factors had a major impact on Europe after the end of World War II. From the list given, select one, and briefly evaluate its effect on Europe, paying particular attention to its significance to the Cold War: the Truman Doctrine; the partition of Germany; the Marshall Plan. (500 WORDS) 3. Evaluate the actions taken by the USSR in respect to central and eastern Europe from 1945 to 1949, and determine if these actions were only taken in order to protect the USSR from future German aggression.(500 words) 5. Briefly analyse the impact of two of the following on the end of the Cold War: Khrushchev and the policy of de-Stalinisation; opposition to Soviet rule in Hungary; opposition to Soviet rule in Czechoslovakia; the rise of Solidarity in Poland; the policies of Mikhail Gorbachev. (500 words)

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