Combating Juvenile Delinquency

Use county, state, or federal Internet resources or the Strayer University library to research your community’s current efforts to deter or prevent juvenile delinquency through detention programs or other sanctions. Note: If you cannot find information on juvenile delinquency prevention efforts in your community, choose a larger community nearby.

Write a full 2–3 page paper in which you:

Provide a detailed and well-researched description of two juvenile delinquency reduction efforts or programs currently in operation in the community.
For example: Boys and Girls Clubs, Pace Center for Girls, Outward Bound.
Provide a detailed and well-researched description of the main sociological theories that underlie the interventions that shape a community’s public policy for delinquency prevention.
For example: Strain, Conflict, Labeling.
Describe in detail two ideas for improving a community’s juvenile delinquency prevention efforts, citing examples to illustrate the successful implementation of those ideas in other communities.



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