Common type of agriculture in or near your community

Review the Tox Town Agriculture materials located on the student website to learn more about the environmental concerns associated with farming.

Identify a farm or common type of agriculture in or near your community. Suppose a conservationist has complained about the methods used on this farm.

Write a 350-word letter from the conservationist’s point of view in which you include the following:

  Identify six negative effects the farm has on the environment.
  Explain how the farm is altering the physical environment, including vegetation and soil quality.
  Write a 350-word plan, acting as a farmer that owns the farm.

  Use The Human Impact on the Natural Environment text to identify methodologies that may alleviate the conservationist's concerns.
  Explain the process of implementing the new methodologies, including cost-related issues.
  Format the letter and plan consistent with APA guidelines.

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