Communicating to clients




1. Description of client-Discuss with your partner & describe this client. Make sure you include the following:

The client’s appearance (include physical appearance, height, weight, sex, race, etc.)
Eye contact & non-verbal body language-The client’s communication style (vocabulary, responses to
questions, etc.)
2. Discuss with your partner and describe the client’s presenting problem. Make sure you include the following:
What problem is the client presenting or seeking help for? Provide specific information on the nature of the
problem and the history of the problem.
Utilizing the person in environment perspective, can you tell how this client’s environment, family/history
influenced the challenges they face today? If not, what would you have asked to obtain this information?
What are the client’s strengths and limitations?
3. Critique of the SOCIAL worker’s Interviewing style
Discuss with your partner and write out a critique of the social worker’s interviewing style. Keep in mind that
your critique should be focused on whether the interviewing style allowed the social worker to obtain
information from the client that the social worker could then document. Make sure you include the following:
How would you describe the social worker’s style?
What are the forms that should be used in the assessment process? Did the social worker use those forms?
What questions could she have asked in order to get more information for documentation purposes? Please list
What other resources do you think this client will need?
Describe any ethical issues related to the social worker’s style throughout the interview.



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