Communications for Supply Chain Professionals

(A) Negotiation:

1) Watch this video.
2) Write a review of the report (1000 – 1,500 words):
(I) What did the negotiators do well (if anything)?
(II) What did the negotiators do poorly (if anything)?
(III) How would you structure and approach this meeting if you were running it?
(IV) Support you points on (I), (II) and (III) with relevant literature support.

(B) Communication/Presentation:

1) Watch this video.
2) Write a review of the report (1000 – 1500 words):
(I) What did the speaker do well (if anything)?
(II) What did the speaker do poorly (if anything)?
(III) Support you points on (I) and (II) with relevant literature support.
3) What elements of communication did you observe/hear during the presentation?

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