Communications in intimate relationships

Select a family life topic that has special meaning to you. You may choose your topic from the table of contents
or the subject index of the text if you have difficulty thinking of a topic.
• Find 4-6 resources that give information about your topic. These should be recent sources (last 5 years
whenever possible).
• Include the following sections in your report. Begin each section on a new page. Use headings to title these
sections as indicted below.
◦ TITLE PAGE – Include the title of your paper, the date of submission, and your name centered in the middle of
the page. Please also include the name of the class as follows: FAMLF 131 Thursday.
◦ ABSTRACT – The abstract should be a summery/overview of the report. The length should be no more than
one paragraph of about five sentences. Begin the abstract with a topic sentence. (HINT: Write the abstract
last, after you have finished everything else, and place it after the title page)
◦ REVIEW OF LITERATURE – Present what you read about your topic. Cite references by using footnotes,
endnotes, or integrating your references into your text (preferable). Be sure to have an introductory paragraph
and a conclusion paragraph! The abstract does not replace a proper introduction or conclusion in your review.
The review should be no less than four full pages. Integrate your references. Show how the various authors
support or disagree with one another. Do not merely give a report of what each author states. You may
sparingly use direct or indirect quotes citing authorship accordingly. Give specific attention to the connecting
thoughts. Your personal feelings and thoughts should be left for the next section.
◦ PERSONAL REFLECTIONS – What are your own feelings on the topic? How does this research relate to
your own life? Be descriptive! Give your feelings/opinions and examples from your experiences (personal or
observed) to illustrate your reflection. This section should be a minimum of ¾ page.
◦ REFERENCES/WORKS CITED – Arrange your resources alphabetically by author. Underline the name of
the book or magazine. All references must include the publication source and date. Only list sources that are
included in the Review of Literature. For an example of how to arrange a Reference List, see the one at the
end of the text.

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