Community Management Portfolio

1. provide a rationale for your client regarding the role that the social media program will take within the marketing and advertising process and how this links to your consumer insight (3 marks)
2. Social Media Strategy. Develop a social media strategy for your client. This social media strategy outlines the purpose of social media for your client, an overview of who you are targeting and what you wanting to achieve from this strategy (eg increased engagement, new clients, information sharing). There is no budget for your social media strategy, as you are using your client’s social media platforms. Your strategy should discuss the social media options that are appropriate for your client and justify your recommendations. As part of your strategy you are to develop three topic content pillars that are appropriate to your client and consumer insight. (7 marks)
3. Campaign Calendar select a four week campaign (you can choose any month of the year). What is happening in this month that might be relevant to your brand (eg if you were developing a strategy for a florist and you picked February then Valentine’s Day would be your focus this month)? How will the social media be used across the four-week period? Using a basic social media template (provided on Blackboard) you are to develop a social media calendar for the month you have selected. (5 marks)
4. Content Creation choose one of the three content pillars, and develop three content pieces for this pillar. Each piece of content should relate to a different social media platform eg Facebook video, Instagram, Blog post, Instagram video (however you must do three separate pieces for three separate platforms – eg don’t do three Instagram posts). Make sure that your content is specific to the social media that is discussed in your strategy. With each piece of content you are to provide a one or two sentence justification as to why this content is appropriate and why it is useful for your social media strategy. You are going to be graded on the creative approach that you take with the content creation – is it relevant to your target audience, content pillars and consumer insight? (15 marks)

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