Community Voices and Leadership

In no more than two pages, typed, double-spaced, and in no larger than 12 point font, please address the

  • What’s the general topic this week?
  • What do the textbook authors say about this topic? In other words, what is their point of view? If you quote
    directly, cite the page and be sure to explain the content and your reason for highlighting that quote.
  • Draw a relationship between this week’s textbook reading, the lectures, and one or more of the supplemental
    materials (reading, podcast, etc.). As your develop an idea that you want to focus on, incorporate new
    vocabulary or key terms that appear in the assigned chapter or any of the week’s supplemental materials. Be
    sure to define new terms.
  • Whenever you cite a source, follow APA format. (Go to Purdue University’s OWL for all things APA.).
  • What you need to read and watch in order to answer the questions is:
  • Watch lecture videos :

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