Company Consult Debrief – Human-Computer Interface

Assess the existing application with regard to human-computer interaction (HCI), being sure to employ appropriate HCI terminology.

a- Describe the application’s overall aesthetic quality, layout of information, and clarity of visual elements (e-g-, icons) with
regard to how they are presented to the audience- Also provide details about whether these elements are aligned with industry best practices-

b- Describe the navigability of the application and its ability to move users through tasks in a logical and flexible manner with respect to
HCI best practices- Justify position with specific examples-

c- . Assess the functionality of the application with respect to HCI best practices- For example, how long does it take for each page to
load? Do the application’s required user actions correspond to their goals? How accessible is the information the user is trying to obtain? (That is,
must the user go to multiple systems for information?) Justify position with specific examples-

d- – What potential factors in the intended audience’s environment would impact the use of the application? For example, if
the site requires sound to relay critical information and the audience is in a library, how would that impact the user experience?

e- – Discuss how the application accounts for human limitations in cognitive capabilities (e-g-, how user friendly the application is for
users with various levels of technical knowledge), as well as sensory capabilities (e-g-, how well the application is designed to avoid eye strain), with
respect to HCI best practices- Justify your position with examples-

f. Describe the impact of human factors-such as culture, gender, or socioeconomic status-on the intended audience’s use of the

g- Discuss whether the application demonstrates compliance with accessibility guidelines- Justify your position with specific examples-
For example, consider using the following Section 508 standards to identify potential gaps in the current application: “Software Applications and
Operating Systems,” “Web-Based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications,” and “Functional Performance Criteria-”

3- Recommend changes to improve the human-computer interaction, and describe the methodologies that back up

a-Given the analysis you have conducted, describe specific changes recommended for improving the application’s human-computer
interaction with respect to its intended audience, and describe how to implement those improvements-

b- Given the analysis conducted above, describe specific changes recommended for bringing the application into full compliance with
accessibility guidelines, and describe to implement those improvements-

c- Describe the user-centered methodologies that support the recommendations, and describe how they support the
recommendations- For example, what human factors should be taken into account in improving the effectiveness of the user interface for a broader

d- What recommendations would be made in aligning the application to the needs of the user’s environment? Why? For
example, if critical instructions are in the audio and the environment is not conducive to hearing them, how would it be recommended that
information be conveyed?

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