I. Abstract and Focal Company Identification.
A. Netflix is the leader in online movie and video streaming, with a substantial untapped market share to access.
1. Brief History of the Netflix Empire
II. Netflix current strategies have aligned them for dominance in this market.
A. Review of Netflix’s current strategies
B. Recommendations to enhance current strategies to continue to capitalize on their market position
III. The recommended strategic options for the future will be evaluated for suitability using Porters Five Forces, value chain analysis, the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix, and strategic control point index
A. Porters Five Forces
- Competitive rivalry
- Bargaining power of suppliers
- Bargaining power of customers
- Threat of new entrants
- Threat of new products and services
B. Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG) analyzes the market share and growth rate of the product or services by ranking them in a 4-quarant matrix allowing a company to define the priorities with regards to market share.
- Stars
- Cash Cows
- Dogs
- Question Marks
C. Value Chain Analysis will identify areas that can be optimized for maximum efficiency and profitability by looking intensely at Netflix’s primary and support activities.
D. The Price Earnings Ratio will be used to compare Netflix to its top competitor and measure the company’s valuation.
E. Implementation actions will be provided for the recommended strategic options.
F. A Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis will be reviewed in an Appendix to the Case Analysis with additional actions for Netflix to take to capitalize on their current standing and mitigate any weaknesses.