Comparing Art Work

Part Ill. Comparative Analysis Essay (20 marks 1500.750 words maximum). Choose one of the following pairs of art works for a competitive analysis essay. The objective is to empire and eat int the pair of works to explain how they infoton in about the rebtionship of modem an to modern lik. Your essay mint address the Wan sad Mars protested to the data lectures sad assigned readings (do refer to other mounts) by &Mg the kilosin% • identify the general biological and artistic context for both weeps (time period. style etc.). • Explain how the ccanDarison of the works relates to and reveals the key idont and themes we’ve covered in class to reknit’s to aesthetic. lestortcal. social and political aspects • Analyze how the subject matter and funnel propates of ash work conveys these ids n. • Write a conclusion sutrunguizing what you understand to be the moot sijuntleant point pa about the relationship between these two works. Dunn Neuman. Voice of Fitt 1967 Andy Warhol: Meanie Bomb, 1965
Parr 2: Lori ‘Moncton% COSTOStpa, 1996-99 Ursula Johnson. ill Iwire Won (Do You Renaernberg, 2014 For tip. on writing a compare/contract mam, csult the section from Sylvan Ilarntes book. .-I Slow i Guide to Writing liana art. It is poonsted as a pill on Hrighomak.
Evaluation Criteria Identifies the artistic and historical context for each work and shows understanding of how each is representative of its steel. movement, group, period etc. 5 marks Uses the compare rid contrast method effectively to make insightful analysis of the relevant aesthetic, historical, social and political issues and what they reveal about the relationship between modem art and modem life. 5 marks Provides strong evidence for the analysis through references to details of subject matter and formal properties (composition, color. materials. technique etc.) S marks lilts a logical organization. uses correct grammar (sentence and paragraph structure, proper spelling, punctuation. etc.) and has a strong conclusion.

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