Comparison of life experience

You are invited to live 24 hours as compassionately as possible, experience life as someone else (such as meeting with a family member who has lost someone to suicide or going to a domestic violence shelter), and to analyze how to use this experience to impact violence.

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Written Analysis Guidelines:

Write a summary of 500 words or more using complete sentences. Be as specific about your experience as possible.

Assignment Instructions..

The purpose of this assignment is to put the course material into action—in daily context, understanding the complexities of violence including social determinants and other contributing factors such as substance abuse and media, and determining what prevention efforts might be successful for that specific situation.

Part 1: Participate

In the last module of the course, our class will observe a “Day of Action & Compassion.” To participate in this event, your challenge will be to choose one day to live each minute as compassionately as possible. In other words, for a full 24-hour period, you should do your best to help others in need and to be considerate and respectful. It is up to you to define what compassion is and to decide how best to realize it.

Try being compassionate toward groups you don’t often focus on, and even if your actions don’t differ much from how you normally behave, be sure to carefully observe and analyze what happens during the experience.
Alternatively, meet with a survivor’s group, spend a day at a domestic violence shelter, talk with suicide hotline volunteers, or other similar activities to understand what it is like to experience and live with violence. Find an action that you can do or can engage others in to impact this violence.

Part 2: Share

Upload a written analysis that describes the positive impact of your activities. The analysis should be written or presented in English. Here are a few sample questions you might address:

How did you define compassion, and who were the recipients of your efforts?

How did others respond to your compassion?

Do you think they noticed a difference in your behavior?

What attributions did people make for your behavior, and why?
What surprised you about living in someone else’s shoes?

Did you have misperceptions?

What actions do you now think you can do to lessen violence?

Written Analysis Guidelines:

Write a summary of 500 words or more using complete sentences. Be as specific about your experience as possible. Check your work carefully for spelling and grammatical errors before submitting.

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