Comparison of Two Nurse Practice Acts Presentation

Order Description

Compare two nurse practice acts (NPAs) of two different states (Kentucky and Arizona); including the accompanying rules for administration for those acts. Presentation Component: Create a PowerPoint presentation comparing the following information and address each item in the list below. In the presentation, you are encouraged to be creative. 1. Identify the state agencies (Kentucky Board of Nursing and Arizona State Board of Nursing) overseeing the practice of nurses. 2. List the professions included in the nurse practice act. Indicate RN, LPN, APN, APRN, ARNP a. If APN: indicate the type (delineated /not delineated) – nurse practitioner, certified nurse midwife, certified registered nurse anesthetist, clinical nurse specialist. 3. Identify LPN capabilities (i.e. pass medications, IVs?). 4. List any professions or job titles other than that of a nurse (e.g., dialysis tech, community health worker, nurse’s aide, medication aide, massage therapist, etc.). 5. List any protected professional titles (i.e., prohibitions against anyone not possessing a license calling her/himself an RN, LPN or APN). 6. Describe rules for the Board of Nursing (or its equivalent). a. How many members are required? b. Must the board represent certain specialties of nursing? c. If so, what are those specialties? d. If the Board of Nursing does not require APN members, is there some other board or council or committee or other entity that specifically oversees APN practice? e. If so, is there a requirement that physicians be members of this other board/council/committee, and if so, how many? 7. Define delegation restrictions (limits to the kinds of tasks an RN can delegate and to whom the RN can delegate those tasks). 8. Continuing education requirements, if any, for each type of nurse delineated in the NPA. (Note: APNs might have different requirements from other types of nurses). 9. Criminal background check requirements. 10. APNs: a. If APNs are delineated in the NPA, must they possess separate RN and APN licenses in order to practice as an APN?

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