Compensation Portfolio






Part 1 Compensation Portfolio – Your portfolio will begin with a brief background of the organization, including
its mission and vision.
Part 2 Compensation Portfolio – Your portfolio will proceed with the internal and external motivators relating to
this kind of work and the relationship of this job to the overall goals / strategies / values of the organization.
(e.g., Nike needs to save money in production and boost sales so will incentivize employee behaviors that lead
to desired outcomes; Google needs to foster intense creativity so in addition to high pay, provides extensive
and uncommon benefits such as 24-hour cafeteria services for free).
Begin by providing the formal definition of job analysis for reward evaluation as described in the text. Discuss
your decision to conduct a job evaluation analysis and the factors that will need to be considered. Describe the
process of collecting information about the job and the relative evaluation factors. Prepare a Job Description of
the select position (see, Rubric). The job analysis, evaluation questionnaire(s), evaluation factors and reward
schemes will become appendices in your final report. (See Signature Assignment description in Course
Part 3 Compensation Portfolio – Develop an evaluation plan utilizing the theories discussed in the text,
including identification of an appropriate external market and benchmarks for salary comparison data and
analysis. (See Signature Assignment description in Course Resources)




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