Compulsory attendance and Religion in schools

1 Compulsory Attendance • Pierce v. Society of Sisters AND Wisconsin v. Yoder 1. Would the Court’s rationale in Yoder prevail if the group contesting a compulsory attendance law were the Ku Klux Klan or an extremist Muslim sect rather than the Amish? 2. Should students have a voice in where they go to school? a. Why or why not? If so, at what age? 3. Should students who exercise their right to an education outside of the public education domain be allowed to take select courses in public schools? a. Why or why not? •Religion in Schools • Engel v. Vitale AND School District of Abington Township v. Schempp AND Murray v. Curlett 1. Suppose every child in a public-school classroom voted to begin each class with a prayer and Bible reading; would this lift any constitutional infirmity? 2. What test is most often used to ensure separation between church and state? a. What are the parts of this test? 3. Suppose a public forum was created for the express purpose of displaying religious items. a. Could this be done legally under the United States Constitution? b. Why or why not? c. If it could, what would be the restrictions

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