Computers are important resources for every company


Computers are important resources for every company because they contain customers’ confidential data, their protection is critical. Computer security is critical because it safeguards not just the information but also the network equipment connected to it. Users have begun to evaluate a company’s security capabilities before sharing sensitive information with them. The primary objective of computer security is to discover illegal access, control risks, monitor data use to guarantee that any person does not exploit it, and avoid and neutralize assaults (Yunus et al., 2017).

Inadequate database architecture and safety execution may expose many weaknesses inside computers, allowing for unwanted access and attacks. Several of the more prevalent and well-known problems include the following: Infusions are attacks in which untrustworthy data is given to SQL, NoSQL, or JSON, causing the processor to implement undesired instructions without the necessary access. Improper identification and authorization implementations may result in the exposure of passwords and keys. Cross-site scripting (XSS) exploits extract information from a computer and transmit it to a browser without verification. Inappropriate security settings of programs, frameworks, data servers, web servers, computer networks, and technologies may also introduce unneeded hazards. 2019 (Nica et al.).

Yunus et al. (2017) developed a method for data management that assists in preventing illegal duplication. By integrating copyrighting in the system, this technique ensures the information’s copyright. For copyrights purposes, a picture and information are put into the website’s metadata, and the information is then secured and saved on the computer. A client may recover this content only if they possess a suitable security code; the software then verifies its validity and consistency using the watermark information. After verifying the keys’ and the information’s validity, the client has control over the data. There are many content protection systems in the market, each offering a distinct degree of protection (Coronel & Morris, 2016).

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