section 1
Complete Drawing Assignment in Coursework : A. Make a concept map of the process of muscle contraction,
B. Copy the outline of the body you see in Figure 7.7 (blue person) as well as the actions. Now, draw in
muscles that will be moving for each of those actions. You can free hand draw this or use Power Point.
Section 2
Lanaya is 82 years old and was just involved in a terrible accident. She was driving her car down the Mass
Pike and suddenly large amounts of debris from a tractor trailer in front of her fell off the truck and went straight
into her windshield. She jerked the wheel to avoid some of the debris and went off the road hitting another car
and the guardrail in the process.
She is severely burned and has major trauma to her torso and head.
Her starting vital signs are:
HR – 150
BP – 60/40
RR – 35
O2 sat- 80
Temperature – 101
Pain – 10
In this unit covering muscles, you will complete the following writing assignment:
Write three paragraphs describing how trauma might affect the human body, specifically the muscular system.
Specifically, determine which muscles might have been impacted if Lanaya suffered the following:
- Hip fracture
- Neck strain
- Severe burn over her right elbow that penetrates to the bone