When you make an assertion of fact, state that it is based on your own experience or provide an in-text citation for the reference source you used to support your response. A minimum of two sources is required for the main topic, and for the reply posts. You do not need two sources for each topic, but you do need two sources across your main topic responses. For maximum credit, you will need three or more. You will also need a minimum of two references to support your reply responses to classmates. For maximum credit, you will need three or more.
See Content>Discussion Expectations for full instructions.
TOPIC 1: Channel Partners PROMPT: Based on your readings this week, what would be your top three criteria for evaluating the performance of supply chain partners?
Describe the concept of price bundling. Why might a company initiate this pricing strategy? Give an example of a company that implements price bundling and how the combined pricing strategy affects customer behavior. (Think about the telecommunications industry, restaurants, software, etc.)