Congress and texas law


For a bill to become a law, it should go through the two chambers: once a bill clears one chamber, it is sent to the other chamber, where the process starts over. Only when the two chambers pass it with the same wording, the bill is sent to the president (otherwise it goes to the conference committee and start over). Do you think the lawmaking process in the US is too complicated? (note: Not many countries in the world have the two chamber system.) Considering the ideological polarization in the Congress, what can be changed to prevent gridlock and make the process more efficient?#2 – The Texas legislature is a part-time, citizen legislature. It meets only once every two years for 140 days. Members of the Texas House are elected for two-year terms and are paid $7,200 per year. It is interesting to contrast the Texas legislature with a professional legislature, such as New Yorks. The New York legislature is considered professional because legislatures are committed to being full-time representatives; they meet year-round, and members are paid $79,500 per year. Members of congress also serve year-round.Is it a good idea for state lawmakers to make so little money in Texas? What are the drawbacks of this system? How does it reflect Texas political culture?#3 – Please watch below video clip and think about some local issues. Are there any issues in Texas or in your area that you think the legislature should address? How would you go about getting attention for those issues? Who else would you work with, and what would your strategy be? Feel free to discuss. -Presidential spouses are not subject to the same media scrutiny or partisan attacks as the president because it is not an official position. Typically the first spouse performs ceremonial duties, such as greeting foreign dignitaries; visiting other countries; attending national ceremonies; however, some former first ladies were very active on major policy issues. Eleanor Roosevelt was very active on policy issues, but at that time, she was widely criticized for it. However, decades later, Hillary Clintons actions in the white house were widely applauded and studied by scholars. The American society has changed. However, it is still controversial whether the first spouse has power to influence policy making processes. What do you think about this issue? Why do you think so?#5 -Since the 1800s, the presidents power has grown at the expense of Congress (note: we didn’t have a president in the beginning). Has the president (and the executive branch) become too strong compared to the Congress and the federal courts? How might Congress reign in the power of the president? Congress could author laws that are more specific and limit discretion when they delegate powers by statute, thus enhancing their authority vis–vis the president. Are there any constitutional reforms one might propose, such as limiting the president to one term in office or creating more independent agencies that are separate from the presidency? Feel free to provide your answer.


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