Constitutional Law

  1. You are a police officer and a group of protesters are around the broken statue of a Confederate General in a public park. How
    should you proceed? What are the restrictions of the Fourth Amendment on your actions? What are the Constitutional restrictions if
    you decide to use force or deadly force? In your opinion, why are there constitutional restrictions in such circumstances?
  2. Do the case briefs for the U.S. Supreme Court cases of California v. Holdari 499 U.S. 621 (1991), Terry v. Ohio 392 U.S. 1 (1968),
    and Scott v. Harris 550 U.S. 372 (2007) found in the back of the book
    Case Briefing Explanation: Students will from time to time be called to write briefs of landmark cases, keep a briefing casebook and
    may occasionally be called on to recite those briefs on-line
  3. A case brief includes a summary of the facts of the case.
  4. A case brief includes the holding of the majority/plurality of the court.
  5. A case brief includes the reasoning behind that holding.
  6. Acase brief includes the importance of that case to the criminal justice system and American society as a whole.

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