consumer behavior


Watch and carefully observe a business and its consumers in action and then draw some conclusions about the brand, its personality, and its positioning in the marketplace.

Once you have finished your observations, you are required to write a (700-1000) word essay reflecting on your observations and distilling your ideas down into a key insight

The purpose of this assignment is to give you some practice understanding how brands communicate in the marketplace. While this exercise can be done with any kind of product, including a packaged good, this exercise will work best if you choose a retail store, restaurant, bar, or service (like a bank). Your job will be to watch and carefully observe a business and its consumers in action and then to draw some conclusions about the brand, its personality, and its positioning in the marketplace. You’ll answer the question, “how does
this brand want to be seen by its customers? What is its brand image?”
First, pick a place to go to that you have never been—any place that people spend money. It should be from Canberra City.

Your task is to carefully observe, without talking to or interviewing anyone, the place, its activities, and the patrons inside.
You want to notice the physical details of the environment for clues about the brand. What are the characteristics of place, décor, and ambience that tell you what the place is all about?
Do the same thing for the personnel in the place and for the patrons themselves. How do they dress? What do they look like? How do they behave? Is their dress/demeanor congruent with
the brand image? Once you’ve finished with your observations, write a detailed description of them and then distill your ideas down into a key insight. For example, how do your observations of the brand/establishment inform you about the importance of being consumer-oriented, what do you know about positioning a brand/store to the needs and wants of consumers that you didn’t know before?

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