Controversial Issue to Explore

Choose either Jewel (427) or Jouet (442) and write a summary and analysis of 2-3 pages. Consider following this model:


  1. After 2 or 3 sentences describing the topic under consideration, end with one sentence identifying the author and title, and provide a clear statement of the thesis.
  2. Discuss the key supporting points that the author uses to persuade the reader to agree with the thesis. This may take more than one paragraph. Feel free to reuse some of the ideas you expressed in your DQ responses (though do write in your best formal style).
  3. Consider any “weak” claims or possibly missing elements that, if included or strengthened, might have made a better case for the specific thesis (Don’t change the thesis though).
  4. Consider whether the article contains elements which may be outdated. To do this, first you’ll need to do some detective work on the internet, since our text (unless I missed it) does not provide the date of first publication. You might also choose to do some modest (limit this to no more than one outside source) internet-based research to see if the situation described has changed since the article was first published.

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