Country Analysis


Students will be asked to write a 8-10 page paper describing the history, social, political and cultural characteristics of a selected global region and (non-English speaking) country. Based on this research, students will perform a SWAT analysis designed to be given to an expatirate who will be leading in that country. More information TBA.
Read Chapter 2 Please !!

Country Analysis Paper (Individual Assignment) Due November 20th via Canvas

Step 1: Select a country that interests you that is a non-English as a first language country. It must be a country that is different from your home country. You will be asked to turn in your first and second choice of country selection in class (typed with your name on it) on 10/28.

Step 2: You will write an 8-10 page paper single spaced 12-point font describing the history, social, political and cultural characteristics of a selected country. You should consider your cultural characteristics based on the work of Hofstede and the GLOBE project as well as Trompenaars. Some of this may be found in Chapter 2 of your What is Global Leadership Book.

Step 3: Based on this research, students will perform a SWAT analysis designed to be given to an expatriate who will be asked to be a leader in that country.

Components of a SWOT analysis
Strengths are an internal assessment of a country’s attributes that give it an advantage over other countries. Examples may be: government, GDP, labor market, etc.

Opportunities are usually external to the country and can range from partnerships to new markets. These can also be future population or urban expansion opportunities — expressed as unmet customer needs.
Similar to strengths, the weaknesses component of the SWOT analysis is an internal assessment of the country’s attributes that put it at a disadvantage when compared to other countries. For example, a weakness could be lack of infrastructure or skilled labor.
Threats are typically external factors impacting the country. These factors can be anything ranging from economic factors to emerging technology to political risk, war, etc. Ultimately, these threats are the obstacles facing the country that could adversely affect the country in the future.

Step 4: The final section should emphasize your recommendations for successfully operating in that country for the time of his/her expatriate assignment.

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