County Fire Protection

County Fire Protection

The post has two asighnments

Roley v. Pierce County Fire Protection District No. 4

Refer to the US. Court of Appeals decision Holey v. Pierce County Fie Protection
District No. 4 and the aticle ‘How to Write a Case Brief for Law School’ for assistance
in completing this assignment Using the information and guidance provided in the
readings, write an essay of 750-900 words in which you adctess the following:

What were the facts ‘n this case?

What were the issues?

What was the holding or mling of the court?

What was the rationale?

Do you agree with the court’s decision? Why or why not? Defend your answer with

Give an example of an emergency situation to which you might respond and in which
this court decision might be cited if a citizen were to file a lawsuit.

Diectly quoted source material may not exceed 1096 of the paper’s content-
httsz/openjuistorg/8691f2d/491 lmley-v-pierce-county-fire-protectbn-distnct-no
Beatty, J- F., Samuelson, S. S., & Bredeson, D- A (2013). Introduction to business law
(4th ed.)- Mason, OH: South-Western/Cengage Learning.

2: why people apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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share with us the academic, extracurricular, or research opportunities you would take advantage of as a student. provide details of any circumstance that could have had an impact on academic performance and/or extracurricular involvement (you may enter up to 650 words).

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