Covid’s disproportionate impact on people of color


Saskia Sassen (2002) Global Cities and Survival Circuits (pp. 374-390). In The Globalization and Development Reader: Blackwell Press.
James Ferguson (2007) Globalizing Africa? (pp. 25-49) Global Shadows. Duke University Press.
In Week 5, you read:

Farish Noor (2019) Don’t Mention the Corpses. BiblioAsia.
Susan Mann (2008) Feminism and Imperialism, 1890–1920: Our Anti-Imperialist Sisters. Sociological Inquiry 78(4):461-489
1) Please explain in your own words what Ferguson means by the following statement: “But as the contemporary African material shows so vividly, the ‘global’ does not ‘flow,’ thereby connecting and watering contiguous spaces; it hops instead, efficiently connecting the enclaved points in the network while excluding (with equal efficiency) the spaces that lie between the points.” Why is this relevant to the social life of people in Africa?

2) In your opinion, do you think that Sassen would attribute some of Covid’s disproportionate impact on people of color to globalization? Explain why or why not. Please see the data here for reference:


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