Cowbell Brewing and Ontario beer industry(case study)


Note: this assignment has 17 page long, I want the first 12 page (which is the situation analyze and the alternatives) to be done within 40 hours, and the final 5 page (recommendation and implementation) before deadline assigned

o The content
■ portray an accurate representation of the Ontario beer industry
■ show an understanding of the relationship between themselves and their restaurant customers
■ show an understanding of Cowbell’s vision, product offering, and place within the industry
o Situation analysis (main part of the report: 8 pages in total)
■ Internal environment analysis: product situation, social responsibility, mission, vision, values, shared value etc.
■ External environment analysis: PESTEL analysis, competitors(using a visualization tool)
o Alternatives (main part of the report, about 4 pages)
• Come up with a wide range of options for cowbell brewing company
Using a form to determine which they would move forward
o Recommendations (3 pages)
• Recommendation should be realistic given, resources and marketplace
• Show an understanding of the idea of “product differentiation” in coming to their conclusions
Implementation (2 pages)
Using visualization tools to show implementation

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