Cram School in Taiwan employees issues

State what is the primary issue/problem/concern of the family business. This issue, whatever it happens to be, is perceived as negatively affecting the performance of the ‘family business’.

State what learnings have prompted you to make the above claim. What data was collected? How was it collected? From whom was it collected? What questions are you still pursuing?

State what are the effects in the family business that are manifest as a result of the problem you have identified. By what means have you been able to identify these effects. Since this is a family business, business issues affect the family, and family issues affect the business. What do you see and where do you see it?

State what you would propose to do that would effectively treat the problem. What other choices for solutions have you ruled out, and why?

State how you will try to influence family members to adopt the solution you propose (or reasons why you will defer this influence until later). Where will resistance come from, if at all, and how would you navigate this resistance?

What would implementation of the solution look like? How, when, where, who?

What is likely to happen to the business if your solution is not adopted? Why do you think so?

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