What would be the good thing(s) about creating an evidence-based practice change on your unit? How will/would you manage initiating change? Identify an EB Model for change you would use? Does your unit currently follow an EB Model for change? If so, what one?
Argue the business case for evidence-based nursing practice in hospitals? In other words, how does EBP decrease costs and increase resources? Can you provide an example from your facility? Consider speaking to a manager for an example.
Search the AHRQ website(http://www.qualitymeasures.ahrq.gov) for an example of an appropriate tool to measure a variable in a research project or evaluate outcomes of care in a clinical agency. What is the purpose of the tool you found? Does it apply to your worksite? Does your current policy align with the tool practice? Provide an APA formatted reference with a working URL.
Visit one of the Evidence-based Practice Center’s sites listed at (https://www.ahrq.gov/research/
Which one did you select and why?
What clinical or system topics have been addressed by the institute?
Most of the EPCs appear to be directed by physicians or are located in medical schools. What does this mean for nurses’ roles in EBP?
Please include an APA formatted reference to the site you visited
Why do you believe you studied evidence-based practice? Does evidence-based practice have a different relationship to your daily occurrences now than it did at the start of the term?
What are your overall thoughts on the process of conducting a review of a peers work? on receiving peer feedback? What were some of the most interesting discoveries you had while completing the peer review process?