Creativity, Discovery, Innovation


First, research and identify a business organization or company of interest that you believe is currently high performing or has a promising future. o What about the organization or company that has captured your attention? o From your reading and research, characterize and support your assessment of the status of the organization as highly successful, somewhat successful, or challenged in its pursuit of high success. • Describe your company of choice and your assessment of its success. • Briefly share your assessment of the place of Creativity, Discovery, and Innovation in the company you have chosen. o Provide evidence for your assessment from unit resources. o Differentiate how each element is unique and differs from others. • Based on your examination of the information shared regarding the status of each concept in the organization or company, address the following. o What is the potential for continued and future success of the organization? o With respect to your understanding of the elements, what is working, and what is not working?



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