Crime In America

In light of what is going on in the U.S. with “Freedom of Speech ” (first amendment) , do you believe (or not) that it is the govermment job to protect Freedom of Speech or should Social Groups decides what is appropriate or not. What law would you recommend or not to protect the Freedom of Speech.

Many states are now decriminalizing drugs and drug use which has a direct effect on society. What type of laws would you propose to protect society if drugs use are commend in the streets.

Should terror suspects arrested in a foreign land be given the same rights and privileges as an American citizen of crime?

In light of the 9/11 attack, should acts of terrorism be treated differently from other common-law violent crimes?

Go to the FBI website and compare the number of “total incidents” of Texas, New York, and New Jersey as compared with the population of each state. Discuss with your fellow students why New Jersey has such a larger number of incidents with half the population.

Read and summarize about the pro and con of the Death Penalty, select a search site and share your position on any issue and the report with fellow students.

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