Criminal Justice

Litigants in court cases are seeking justice. In a civil case, one side may have been severely injured in an accident and is seeking monetary damages to pay doctor’s bills and make up for lost income. Or, a small-business owner who was not paid for products that she delivered to a customer may be forced to close her shop and go into bankruptcy if the court does not swiftly order the other side to pay her. In a criminal case, a victim and the community are seeking closure and safety, while the defendant is seeking a fair hearing and a return to freedom, if he or she is innocent.

Judges, court clerks/managers, and the taxpaying public are seeking judicial efficiency. They want cases to move swiftly through the courts with minimal delays and expenses.
identify the main point or technique from the readings that you believe demonstrates a means of ensuring judicial efficiency while protecting the process of securing justice for litigants. Describe the point or technique, and explain how it balances justice and judicial efficiency. For example, you might state that the federal electronic case-filing system promotes justice because it is fast, and reason that since it does not require paper or rooms full of filing drawers in the clerk’s office, it is more economical.

Review the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin article Strategies to Avoid Interview Contamination. Now imagine yourself as an investigator who is very sympathetic to a victim in a case where a husband is accused of murdering his wife. How would you conduct yourself to avoid contaminating your interview? What types of techniques might you ask to prompt the husband to talk about his involvement in the crime? Why? Provide an example of several questions you would use in the interview.

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