Discuss what might amount to unconstitutional trickery in the decision zone and explain why, using specific court cases and other reasoning from the readings or research to support your post.
Within the context of the arguments presented in the Pinder v. Johnson (1995) case, and the National Rifle Association President James Porter’s article, do you think the U.S. Constitution needs to be amended to provide for an affirmative-duty-to-protect citizens? Explain your position and discuss the consequences that may arise from a change.
Present a well-reasoned and persuasive argument for and against the use of grand juries in criminal procedure. Provide an alternative procedure for using a grand jury or a suggestion on how it can be improved. Provide some recent examples to support your post.
Present a well-reasoned and persuasive argument for and against the use of plea bargaining. Provide at least two U.S. Supreme Court rulings regarding plea bargaining to support both sides of your argument.
Compare and contrast contemporary reasoning for adopting more fixed sentencing schemes with the reasoning for maintaining indeterminate sentencing. Evaluate the philosophical foundations and history.
Discuss the full balancing of interests that habeas corpus proceedings require. Assess the merits of the other interests that also need to be considered, according to the Rehnquist Court. How do you think social change has broadened the interests that must be considered?
Present a persuasive argument either supporting or opposing unlawful enemy combatants’ constitutional right to challenge their detainment in federal courts, when held in territories outside the fifty states over which the U.S. exercises exclusive jurisdiction and control. Include some of the rationale presented in historical U.S. Supreme Court rulings to support your position.