Critical analysis of a key marketing challenge


Develop a critical analysis of a key marketing challenge facing an organisation or
sector of your choice.
– —-This could be any kind of marketing challenge – for example: how an organisation
might embed a market orientation into their culture; how they might overcome a
PR disaster; or how a whole sector could adapt to radical changes in
consumer/public demands (for example the rejection of single-use plastics).
However, developing a marketing plan is not a suitable choice for this
assignment, as it is not sufficiently embedded in marketing theory.
– —-The critical analysis should:
1. describe the challenge faced by the organisation or sector
2. identify the relevant marketing theory/theories that will help you make
sense of the challenge you have identified
3. critically review the relevant academic literature in order to gain a deep
understanding of the challenge faced
4. outline and analyse possible solutions to the challenge faced, and

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